Our Mission

Expand what's possible by connecting people to themselves, and each other.

Expand what's possible by connecting people to themselves, and each other.

When intentionally designed, groups have the power to become spaces of not just connection, but change.

When intentionally designed, groups have the power to become spaces of not just connection, but change.

We partner with leading organizations, using our patented gathering technology, to build groups that drive connection at scale.

We partner with leading organizations, using our patented gathering technology, to build groups that drive connection at scale.

Keep Company Co-Founders and Mothers

Adrienne & Claudia

We’ve been through this ourselves.

Keep Company was founded by a former partner-track lawyer at a major law firm and a brand exec from VC-backed startups. We know what it’s like to bill time in 6-minute increments and to get pulled into a last-minute investor call at 11pm with a sick child. We've felt the loneliness of having a big job at work and a big job at home. Turns out we weren't alone. And this problem? It's much bigger than we imagined.

We started with parents and caregivers, facing a perfect storm of crisises. As we grew, we saw that everyone benefits from our unique model for connection. No matter what you are navigating - at work or in life - a Third Space tailored for you has the power to be transformative.

Meet Our Team

At Work: Keep Company CEO

At Home: Mama to Evelyn and Jack

And Also: Non-fiction, always. ENFP.


At Work: Keep Company COO

At Home: Mami to Sami and Nico

And Also: Venezuelan-American. INTJ.


Zvi Band, CTO

Cait Zogby, Director of Learning

Adrienne Prentice, CEO

founder’s note


founder’s note

Zvi Band, CTO

Cait Zogby, Director of Learning

At Work: Keep Company Director of Learning

At Home: Mama to Ben and M.E.

And Also: True crime fan. Women's sports 4eva.


At Work: Keep Company CTO

At Home: Dad to Dalia and Ori

And Also: Hot sauce connoisseur.


Meet Our Coaches

Our network of industry-expert coaches come from a variety of backgrounds, with Clinical Social Workers, MDs, JDs, Management Consultants, Executive Coaches, and HR Executives, and more. All of our coaches are certified in their field, and trained by us in the Keep Company way. Meet a few of our awesome coaches below.

  • PCC

    Deutsche Bank

    Brandi Mason



    Anne Auburn


    LPC Performance Psychologist

    Dr. Adrian Ferrara


    Microsoft, UC - Berkeley

    Molly Kihanya


    ICF Leadership

    Stacy Feil



    Adriana Naím

Fueled by serving our members:

  • “Keep Company has given me reassurance that I'm not alone and allowed me to have much more kindness towards myself as I work through work and personal challenges. Thank you!”

    “Joining a Keep Company group seemed like an impossible time commitment before I signed up, but I am so glad I tried it. The unique combination of science and empathy in the approach sets the coaching experience apart from others.”

    “What makes Keep Company different from other benefits is that it provides space where space and time are not traditionally offered.”

    “We hear so much about self-care, but I think that equally, if not more important, is the need for team care. Keep Company is a wonderful example of what we can offer to create team care.”

    “The carefully crafted weekly questions / plans unlocked what I didn't know I needed to talk about, to make the breakthroughs I desired. A hugely worthwhile investment.”

    “I look back at where I was 12 weeks ago and am delighted at my journey. the process and framework is incredibly effective, no matter where you start from and what is going on for you.”

    “I'm definitely more aware of my actions. I am acting with intention rather than reacting to the situation or issues.”

    “The experience helped me to be more intentional and strategic with time-management and work-life balance.”

    “I have recommended Keep Company and will continue to do so; it it provides a great environment to learn how to analyze work and personal life challenges, say them out loud, receive feedback, and implement those solutions.”

    “The one place where I truly feel understood by others who are in the exact same place as me - personally and professionally.”

Our Values

Keep commitments

We do what we say we're going to do, and when we can't: we communicate.

We value reliability.


We rely on each other as individuals, and act in service of the team.

We value collaboration.

Keep curious

We question rigorously, AND listen fully.

We value a growth mindset.


We stretch, and we run fast. But to run far, we care for ourselves.

We value self-awareness.

Keep the JOY

We notice the good and make space for play.

We value celebration.

Keep me in the Loop



(301) 304-1084

7411 Arlington Rd
Bethesda, MD 20814

Keep me in the Loop



(301) 304-1084

7411 Arlington Rd
Bethesda, MD 20814

Keep me in the Loop



(301) 304-1084

7411 Arlington Rd
Bethesda, MD 20814

Keep me in the Loop



(301) 304-1084

7411 Arlington Rd
Bethesda, MD 20814